Monday, August 10, 2009

Marble Cheese Brownies

2 boxes of marble cheese brownies dan 30 pcs of blueberry cheesetart, order dari Cikgu Zainab, Bandar Tenggara. Cheesetart tu Cikgu Jai yang tolong buatkan sebab mmg tak sempat aritu sbb nak Azeem ada performance kat IOI Mall.

Million Thanks to Kak Belle

70 pcs buttercream cupcakes, order from my regular customer, Kak Belle from Austin Perdana for her daughter's birthday kenduri. Million thanks for the support Kak Belle. Really appreciate it.


Thanks to Pn Shafiroh, 16 pcs buttercream cupcakes, Cik Maria for Blueberry Oreo Cheesecake, dan Pn Mardzlinda for Oreo cheesecake.