Today is a working day. Have to replace the CNY holiday beforehand. However, I have managed to make cupcakes and oreo cheesecake ordered by Linda (the office staff) and Cikgu Mardzlinda last night. Then, Linda told me " sedapnya kek kak intan, rasa mcm tak nak bagi org makan". Hehehehe... boleh la order lagi ya! Last week also, I received my name card made by Apiz from Jentat Sdn Bhd in Kluang. Thanx Kak Noi for the recommendation!
wah..nyum..nyum..nyumm..sedapnya!!bila la aku nak pandai buat kek macam ko ek?
bila2 masa pun boleh, asalkan ko ada kemahuan. Evin boleh!!
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