sebelum hari persekolahan akan bercuti sempena tahun Baru Cina, I received a lot of orders from friends, those were 2 boxes of cupcakes, 1 birthday cake, and 5 oreo cheesecakes. So, deciding to give them homemade and fresh bakery, I did ALL of them on Friday night. I don't mind burning the midnight oil, just to serve the best to my customer. So, I bought about 3 kilos of CreamWell from a new supplier. Tetapi, alamak, the night I want to decorate the cakes, the colour did not turn as what I have expected!! Sedihnya...tengoklah warna hijau yang tak "naik", tak ceria langsung. Abis tu, takkan lah aku nak abiskan satu botol colour Wilton tu? aku pun buat je lah apa yang terdaya, letting the customer knows about it, hopefully diaorg tak serik. Creamwell tu mungkin tidak mempunyai kualiti yang baik sebab, time aku genggam kat tangan (of course la dlm piping bag), creamwell tu akan cair dengan jayanya, making the cakes look messy. sumpah aku takmo beli creamwell kat kedai tu lagi, sbb sebelum ni aku beli kat Bakewell Larkin, atau even Hup Ye Kulai pun, kualitinya sgt baik, and the colour turns very zesty.
Very unique blog.
Fantastic pictures. Wow...
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Keep blogging.
Good day.
saya baru blaja2 wat kek.. utk ank.. bole bg address hup yee kulai tu? sbb sy dok kulai gak, bandar putra.. bole email kat shadamia10@gmail.com.
tq so much...
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